Treating Your Horse’s Skin Diseases

Skin diseases are caused by different pathogenic bacteria. The bacteria that caused the skin issue must first be identified to determine the suitable treatment. The treatments for these issues tend to vary, from the use of topical creams to antibiotics.

Here are some of the most common skin diseases acquired by horses, as well as the proper way of treating them.

* Pastern Dermatitis

Pastern Dermatitis is treated by maintaining dry and clean skin. Hence, the key is to keep the horse in a clean, dry stable. Moreover, the tiny organisms causing this disease must be scraped off their hair and skin. The microscopic organisms usually hide underneath the scabs. After, this area of the skin must be cleaned with a disinfectant, such as surgical scrub, iodine, or chlorhexidine. Topical creams, such as castor oil, zinc, and lead acetate, may also be applied to the affected area.

* Rain Rot or Rain Scald

Rain rot is a self-healing skin disease. It should disappear on its own given enough time. However, it can be quite contagious, hence, the need to treat it as soon as it’s diagnosed. It’s treated by cleansing the affected area with antimicrobial soap, regularly and thoroughly. After washing with soap, benzoyl peroxide must be wiped through the skin. This way, the area is disinfected and any infected debris is removed.

* Ringworm or Fungal Dermatitis

Clean, dry skin is less susceptible to the causing bacteria of ringworm. Hence, ringworm must be treated by regular skin cleansing using an antimicrobial soap. Using antibiotics like kunzea, sulfur oxide, neomycin, and zinc oxide also helps. By using these in combination, the skin should start clearing up after a week of application.

* Primary seborrhea or dandruff

Primary seborrhea cant be treated permanently, but it can be minimized. The areas covered with dandruff must be washed using an anti-dandruff shampoo on a regular basis. The rubbing action must be performed using light to moderate pressure. This way, the solid crystals and waxy coat on the skin can be carefully scraped off.

Mange is treated using topical or oral formulae of ivermectin and moxidectin. It kills the blood-sucking mites that cause the irritation and the itchiness. In addition to this treatment, the infected areas must be cleaned using selenium sulfide solution.

* Summer Sores or Fly Sores

Summer sores can be treated using systemic or topical glucocorticoids, as prescribed by a veterinarian. It can also be treated by giving your horse proper dosages of dimethyl sulfoxide. Open wounds and sores can be difficult to accurately diagnose, so its best to consult a skin-disease expert to determine the necessary treatment.

* Urticaria or Hives

The treatment for urticaria includes oral and topical antihistamines. After the application or intake of antihistamines, the itchiness and soreness of the raised ridges are minimized. In mild cases of urticaria, the allergic reaction subsides after a few days even without treating it.

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